Relaxed Homeschooling: What Is It?
9 min read
Relaxed homeschooling is a bit of an oxymoron, isn’t it? How can you relax when you’re responsible for your child’s education?
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But seriously, relaxed homeschooling is a style of homeschooling that emphasizes learning through unschooling and natural methods. It’s about providing a relaxed and nurturing environment for your child to learn in, without all the pressure and stress that can come with traditional schooling.
If you’re interested in learning more about this style of homeschooling, or if you’re just looking for some tips on how to relax and enjoy the homeschooling journey, then read on!
What is Relaxed Homeschooling?
Relaxed homeschooling is an educational method and lifestyle, characterized by a more informal, relaxed approach to learning than that of traditional homeschooling or mainstream schools. Relaxed homeschoolers believe that children learn best when they are allowed to pursue their interests at their own pace, and often use a “unschooling” approach to learning, in which formal educational activities are less emphasized than everyday life experiences. Relaxed homeschooling families typically strive for a balance between structure and freedom in their educational methods, and between social interaction and time spent at home.
The Benefits of Relaxed Homeschooling
Relaxed homeschooling is a style of homeschooling that is less structured and more flexible than other approaches. Relaxed homeschoolers believe that children learn best when they are allowed to follow their own interests and develop at their own pace. This style of homeschooling is also sometimes called natural learning or unschooling.
Relaxed homeschooling is not for everyone, but it can be a great fit for families who want to give their children more freedom and flexibility in their schooling. Relaxed homeschoolers often find that their children are more engaged in learning and more willing to continue learning even after they leave the traditional school system behind.
There are many benefits to relaxed homeschooling, including the following:
- Relaxed homeschooling allows children to follow their natural interests and learn at their own pace. This can lead to a more well-rounded education as children are allowed to explore the subjects that they are most interested in.
- Relaxed homeschooling can be less stressful for both parents and children. There is no need to worry about meeting strict educational standards or keeping up with the Joneses. Homeschooling should be enjoyable for both parents and children, and a relaxed approach can help make this happen.
- Relaxed homeschooling allows parents and children to bond with each other and build strong relationships. This is one of the most important benefits of homeschooling, as it can lead to a lifetime of happy memories and shared experiences.
The Drawbacks of Relaxed Homeschooling
There are a few potential drawbacks to relaxed homeschooling that parents should be aware of before they decide to take this approach.
- First, relaxed homeschooling can sometimes be less structured than other types of homeschooling, which can make it difficult to ensure that children are getting the education they need.
- Second, because relaxed homeschooling often relies heavily on parental involvement, it can be more time-consuming and demanding for parents than other types of homeschooling.
- Finally, homeschooling may not be appropriate for all children; some children may benefit from a more traditional school setting.
How to Create a Relaxed Homeschool Environment
Relaxed Homeschooling, also known as natural learning or unschooling, is a parenting and educational philosophy that trust in a child’s natural ability to learn. It’s based on the idea that children are innately curious and will explore the world around them if given the opportunity. Relaxed homeschoolers believe that children learn best when they are allowed to follow their interests and learn at their own pace in a safe and supportive environment.
Homeschooling is not about keeping kids confined to a desk all day or making them do work they hate. It’s about finding creative ways to help them engage with the world around them and follow their interests. There is no one right way to do this – every family is different. However, there are some general principles that relaxed homeschoolers tend to follow:
- Follow your child’s lead: Relaxed homeschoolers believe that it’s more important to focus on what interests their children than it is to stick to a strict curriculum. If your child is passionate about a certain subject, allow them to explore it in depth. Likewise, don’t force them to spend hours on something they dislike – there’s no point in making homeschooling another chore!
- Let kids learn at their own pace: There is no rush in relaxed homeschooling. Children are allowed to progress at their own speed and go back and review concepts as needed. This approach can be especially helpful for kids who have struggled in a traditional school setting where they felt pressure to keep up with their peers.
- Value experience over textbooks: Relaxed homeschoolers believe that life experiences are just as important as textbooks when it comes to learning. Field trips, community service, hobbies, and even everyday activities like cooking and grocery shopping can all be used as opportunities for learning.
- Allow for plenty of unstructured time: In addition to following their interests, relaxed homeschoolers also need time for free play. This allows kids the space they need to use their imaginations, solve problems on their own, and develop social skills by interacting with other kids (even if those interactions are just verbal jousting over who gets the last turn on the swing!).
Tips for Success
Relaxed homeschooling is a term used to describe a homeschooling approach that is less structured and more flexible than other methods. Relaxed homeschoolers typically don’t follow a set curriculum or schedule, but instead allow their child to learn at their own pace and choose their own learning activities. This method can be successful for families who want to provide a more individualized education for their children, but it can also be challenging to keep everything organized and on track.
Here are some tips for relaxed homeschooling success:
- Keep a learning journal. This can be a simple notebook where you jot down ideas, resources, and goals for your child’s education. This will help you keep track of what you’ve covered and what still needs to be addressed.
- Make use of educational resources in your community. This could include public libraries, museums, parks, historical sites, and more.
- Join a local homeschooling group. This can provide social opportunities for your child as well as allow you to meet other families who are relaxed homeschoolers.
- Use online resources to supplement your child’s learning. There are many great websites, apps, and online courses available that can help support your child’s education.
- Don’t forget about the importance of play! Relaxed homeschooling doesn’t have to mean all work and no fun – make sure to include time for just hanging out and having fun together as part of your child’s day.
The Best Resources
Relaxed homeschooling is a learning method that combines elements of traditional schooling with a more flexible, relaxed approach. It is a growing trend in the homeschooling community, as more and more families are looking for ways to customize their children’s education.
There are many different ways to relax homeschool, but the common thread is that it allows for more creativity, autonomy, and family time than traditional schooling. It also typically includes a lot of hands-on learning and projects, as well as opportunities for field trips and other real-world experiences.
If you’re interested in learning more about relaxed homeschooling, there are some great resources available. Here are a few:
The Unschooling Unmanual: Nurturing Children’s Natural Love of Learning: This book is full of practical advice for those who want to unschool (a subset of relaxed homeschooling).
Keeping Their Heads in the Game: This book by seasoned homeschooler Miriam Patterson offers tips and strategies for incorporating play into your child’s learning day.
Learning All Year Round: This book by educational consultant Laura Berlinski provides an overview of some of the best curriculum options for relaxed homeschoolers.
The Worst Resources
When you are looking for resources for relaxed homeschooling, it is important to avoid anything that is too prescriptive or inflexible. The whole point of relaxed homeschooling is that it is meant to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and circumstances. Here are some of the worst resources for relaxed homeshooting:
- Standardized curriculum – This type of curriculum is the opposite of what you want for relaxed homeschooling. It is inflexible and prescriptive, and it will not allow you to tailor your homeschooling experience to your individual child’s needs.
- Rigid schedules – Again, this is the opposite of what you want for relaxed homeschooling. A rigid schedule will not allow you the flexibility to adjust your homeschooling schedule to meet your family’s needs.
- Strict rules and guidelines – Relaxed homeschooling is all about being flexible and adapting to your individual circumstances. Having strict rules and guidelines will only serve to make your homeschooling experience more stressful, not less.
How to Know if Relaxed Homeschooling is Right for Your FamilyRelaxed homeschooling is a style of homeschooling that is grounded in relationship and respect. It is focused on creating a joyful, relaxed learning environment where children can learn at their own pace and develop a love of learning. Relaxed homeschooling is not about being lax or undisciplined – it is about finding what works best for your family and your child’s unique learning style.
If you are considering relaxed homeschooling, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you decide if it is the right fit for your family:
- Is my child stressed out or unhappy in school?
- Do I want my child to have more time for creative pursuits, hands-on learning, and exploring their interests?
- Do I want to create a more relaxed and joyful learning environment at home?
- Am I looking for a more flexible homeschooling approach that can be tailored to fit my family’s unique needs?
- If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then relaxed homeschooling might be a good fit for your family.
There are many different ways to homeschool – there is no “one size fits all” approach. The important thing is to find what works best for you and your child. If you are considering relaxed homeschooling, take some time to explore the resources below. You can also connect with other families who are Homeschooling in a Relaxed manner on social media or join a local support group.
10 Reasons to Try Relaxed Homeschooling
Relaxed homeschooling is a method of instruction that falls somewhere between a highly structured approach and unschooling. Relaxed homeschoolers typically use a detailed curriculum as a guide, but they are also willing to veer off course when their children show an interest in pursuing a topic in greater depth. In addition, relaxed homeschoolers typically allow their children more freedom when it comes to choosing what they want to learn and how they want to learn it.
Reasons why you might want to try relaxed homeschooling
- Relaxed homeschooling is flexible.
- Relaxed homeschooling encourages curiosity and exploration.
- Relaxed homeschooling allows children to learn at their own pace.
- Relaxed homeschooling promotes hands-on learning experiences.
- Relaxed homeschooling encourages families to spend time together.
- Relaxed homeschooling eliminates the need for expensive childcare costs.
- Relaxed homeschoolers have access to a wide variety of resources and materials.
- Relaxed homeschoolers can tailor their curriculum to fit their family’s needs and interests.
- Relaxed homeschoolers can take advantage of learning opportunities that arise spontaneously throughout the day or week.
10Relaxed homeschooling can be less stressful for both parents and children
10 Reasons to Avoid Relaxed Homeschooling
There are many homeschooling methods and philosophies, and relaxed homeschooling is one of the most popular. Sometimes called “unschooling,” this approach to homeschooling is based on the belief that children will learn best if they are free to explore their own interests.
While there are some benefits to this approach, there are also some serious drawbacks.
Reasons why you may want to avoid relaxed homeschooling:
- It can be very disorganized.
- There is often little structure or routine.
- It can be difficult to keep track of your child’s progress.
- Your child may miss out on important social experiences.
- Your child may have trouble adapting to a more structured environment later on.
- It can be difficult to find resources and support when you need it.
- You may end up doing most of the work yourself.
- It can be isolating for both you and your child.
- You may feel like you’re not doing a good job because you’re not following a set curriculum.
- It’s not for everyone!
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